GENERAL INDEX avigate to
FILE: <Publictions of Stanley E.
Flanders: < Finney, G. L., S. E. Flanders & H. S.
Smith. 1947. Mass culture of Macrocentrus ancylivorus
and its host, the potato tuber moth.
Hilgardia 17: 437-83. Flanders, S. E. 1924. A new egg
parasite of the codling moth. J.
Econ. Ent. 17: 602. Flanders, S. E. 1925a. Ibalia ensiger Norton on Monterey cypress. J. Econ. Ent. 18: 236. Flanders, S. E. 1925b. A new departure
in codling moth control. J. Econ.
Ent. 18: 838. Flanders, S. E. 1925c. Prospaltella as an egg parasite
of the codling moth. Pan-Pac. Ent.
2: 188-89. Flanders, S. E. 1925d. Longevity of the
adult codling moth. J. Econ. Ent.
18: 752-3. Flanders, S. E. 1926a. Notes on
parasites at Saticoy, California, during the year 1925. Pan-Pac. Ent. 2: 157-8. Flanders, S. E. 1926b. The codling moth
in Ventura County. Ventura County
Farm Bureau Month. 6(9): 3, 31. Flanders, S. E. 1926c. Variations in
the seasonal development of the walnut codling moth and its host as
influenced by temperature. Pan-Pac.
Ent. 3: 93-4. Flanders, S. E. 1927a. An infestation
index for fruit pests. J. Econ. Ent.
20: 544. Flanders, S. E. 1927b. Insect enemies
of the codling moth in the vicinity of Ventura, California. Pan-Pac. Ent. 3: 44-5. Flanders, S. E. 1929a. The mass
production of Trichogramma minutum Riley and observations
on the natural and artificial parasitism of the codling moth eggs. Trans. 4th Intern. Congress Ent. 2: 110-30. Flanders, S. E. 1929b. Biological
control of the codling moth. J. Econ.
Ent. 20: 644. Flanders, S. E. 1929c. The production
and distribution of Trichogramma. J. Econ. Ent. 22: 245-8. Flanders, S. E. 1930a. Mass production
of egg parasites of the genus Trichogramma. Hilgardia. 4: 464-501. Flanders, S. E. 1930b. Notes on Trichogramma minutum. Pan. Pac. Ent. 6: 180-1. Flanders, S. E. 1930c. Evaluation of Trichogramma liberations. J. Econ. Ent. 23: 886-7. Flanders, S. E. 1930d. The lima bean
pod-borer in California. Calif. Dept.
Agr. Mon. Bull. 6(19): 409-21. Flanders, S. E. 1930e. Mexican sugar
cane borers and the parasite Trichogramma. J. Econ. Ent. 23: 603-6. Flanders, S. E. 1930f. Races of Trichogramma minutum. Pan-Pac. Ent. 7: 20-1. Flanders, S. E. 1930g. Notes on the
life history of Lindorus lophanthae. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 23: 594-6. Flanders, S. E. 1930h. Recent
developments in Trichogramma
production. J. Econ. Ent. 23: 837-41. Flanders, S. E. 1930i. A suggestion for
the automatic collection of Sitotroga. J. Econ. Ent. 23: 1008. Flanders, S. E. 1930j. Wax secretion in
the Rhizobiini. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer.
23: 808-9. Flanders, S. E. 1931a. The temperature
relationships of Trichogramma
minutum as a basis for
racial segregation. Hilgardia 5: 305-406. Flanders, S. E. 1931b. The life cycle
of Trichogramma in relation to
temperature. Science 73: 458. Flanders, S. E. 1932a. Observations and
experiences in searching for parasites in Australia. Citrus Leaves 12(4): 15-16, 18. Flanders, S. E. 1932b. Observations
concerning a citrus relative native to Australia. Calif. Citrograph 17:
278, 307-08. Flanders, S. E. 1932c. Temperature as a
measure of an insect population. J.
Econ. Ent. 25: 934. Flanders, S. E. 1932d. Observations on
certain insects in Australia in 1931.
J. Econ. Ent. 25: 1240-41. Flanders, S. E. 1933a. Some early
observations concerning Trichogramma. J. Econ. Ent. 26: 511. Flanders, S. E. 1933b. Heat production
and limitation of densities in Sitotroga
populations. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer.
26: 529-35. Flanders, S. E. 1934a. The life
histories of three newly imported predators of the red scale. J. Econ. Ent. 27: 723-24. Flanders, S. E. 1934b. The secretion of
the colleterial glands in parasitic chalcids. J. Econ. Ent. 27:
861-62. Flanders, S. E. 1934c. Sistotroga production. J. Econ. Ent. 27: 1197. Flanders, S. E. 1934d. Insects on
rutaceous trees native to subtropical Australia. Pan-Pac. Ent. 10:
145-50. Flanders, S. E. 1935a. Effect of host
density on parasitism. J. Econ. Ent.
28: 898-900. Flanders, S. E. 1935b. An apparent
correlation between the feeding habits of certain pteromalids and the
condition of their ovarian follicles (Pteromalidae, Hymenoptera). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 28: 438-44. Flanders, S. E. 1935c. Two described
species of Trichogramma
validated. Pan-Pac. Ent. 11: 79. Flanders, S. E. 1935d. Host influence
on the prolificacy and size of Trichogramma. Pan-Pacific Ent. 11: 175-77. Flanders, S. E. 1935e. The biology of Trichogramma evanescens West, and allied
species. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Calif.
Berkeley?. 88 p. Flanders, S. E. 1936a. Coccidophilus citricola Brethés, a predator
enemy of red and purple scales. J.
Econ. Ent. 29: 1023-24. Flanders, S. E. 1936b. Japanese species
of Tetrastichus parasitic on
eggs of Galerucella xanthomelaena. J. Econ. Ent. 29: 1024-25. Flanders, S. E. 1936c. A biological
phenomenon affecting the establishment of Aphelinidae as parasites. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 29: 251-5. Flanders, S. E. 1936d. A reproduction
phenomenon. Science 83: 498-99. Flanders, S. E. 1936e. Sexual
dimorphism of hymenopterous eggs and larvae.
Science 84: 83. Flanders, S. E. 1936f. Remarkable
phenomenon of reproduction in the parasitic Hymenoptera. J. Econ. Ent. 29: 468. Flanders, S. E. 1936g. Two mealybugs of
the genus Puto attacking
citrus. Pan-Pac. Ent. 12: 196-97. Flanders, S. E. 1937a. Habitat
selection by Trichogramma. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 30: 208-210. Flanders, S. E. 1937b. Oviposition
instincts and developmental sex differences in the genus Coccophagus. Univ.
Calif. Publ. Ent. 6: 401-22. Flanders, S. E. 1937c. Notes on the
life history and anatomy of Trichogramma. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 30: 304-8. Flanders, S. E. 1937d. Liberations of
black scale parasites during the year 1937.
Calif. Citrograph 23(2): 59,
87. Flanders, S. E. 1937e. Starvation of
developing parasites as an explanation of immunity. J. Econ. Ent. 30: 970. Flanders, S. E. 1938a. Identity of the
common species of American Trichogramma. J. Econ. Ent. 31: 456-57. Flanders, S. E. 1938b. The effect of
cold storage on the reproduction of parasitic Hymenoptera. J. Econ. Ent. 31: 633-34. Flanders, S. E. 1938c. Cocoon formation
in endoparasitic chalcidoids. Ann.
Ent. Soc. Amer. 31: 167-80. Flanders, S. E. 1939a. Environmental
control of sex in hymenopterous insects.
Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 32: 11-26. Flanders, S. E. 1939b. A black scale
parasite with promising qualities. J.
Econ. Ent. 32: 152. Flanders, S. E. 1939c. The role of arrhenotoky
in the adaptation of insects. Science
90(2326): 82-3. Flanders, S. E. 1939d. The practical
application of biological studies on parasites employed in biological
control. Proc. 6th Pac. Sci. Congr.,
Vol. 4. p. 373-81. Flanders, S. E. 1939e. Introduction and
establishment of Coccophagus
heteropneusticus, parasite
of lecanine scale insects. J. Econ.
Ent. 32: 888-90. Flanders, S. E. 1939f. The biologies
and colonization of foreign parasites collected by H. Compere and recorded by
him in: "The black scale Saissetia oleae (Bern.) in South America, Univ. Calif. Publ. Ent.
7(5)." "Mealybugs and their
insect enemies in South America.
Univ. Calif. Publ. Ent. 7(4)."
"Parasites of the black scale, Saissetia oleae,
in Africa. Hilgardia 13(7)." Flanders, S. E. 1940a. Environmental
resistance to the establishment of parasitic Hymenoptera. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 33: 245-53. Flanders, S. E. 1940b. A Brazilian
parasite of Pseudococcus maritimus (Ehrh.). J. Econ. Ent. 33: 201. Flanders, S. E. 1940c. A coccinellid
introduced into California. J. Econ.
Ent. 33: 202-03. Flanders, S. E. 1940d. The biological
control of the long-tailed mealybug, Pseudococcus
longispinus. J. Econ. Ent. 33: 754-59. Flanders, S. E. 1940e. Searching for
entomophagous insects. J. Econ. Ent.
33: 814. Flanders, S. E. 1940f. Observations on
the biology of the elm leaf beetle parasite Erynnia nitida
R.-Desv. J. Econ. Ent. 33: 947. Flanders, S. E. 1940g. Biological
control of long-tailed mealybug on citrus and avocado. Calif. Citrog. 25(5)t: 146:
154-55. Flanders, S. E. 1940h. Parasites of the
elm leaf beetle. Trees 3(2): 14. Flanders, S. E. 1941a. Dust as an
inhibiting factor in the reproduction of insects. J. Econ. Ent. 34:
470-72. Flanders, S. E. 1941b. Observations on
the biology of the elm leaf beetle parasite, Erynnia nitida
(R.Desv.). J. Econ. Ent. 33: 947-48. Flanders, S. E. 1941c. Peculiar habits
of beneficial insects. Calif. Citrog.
26(10): 285-306. Flanders, S. E. 1942a. Oosorption and
ovulation in relation to oviposition in the parasitic Hymenoptera. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 35: 251-66. Flanders, S. E. 1942b. Sex
differentiation in the polyembryonic proclivity of the Hymenoptera. J. Econ. Ent. 35: 108. Flanders, S. E. 1942c. Deposition of
non-viable eggs by Hymenoptera. J.
Econ. Ent. 35: 283. Flanders, S. E. 1942d. The introduction
of Phycus testaceous Masi into
California. J. Econ. Ent. 35: 290-91. Flanders, S. E. 1942e. The larval
meconium of parasitic Hymenoptera as a sign of the species. J. Econ. Ent. 35: 456-7. Flanders, S. E. 1942f. Propagation of
black scale on potato sprouts. J.
Econ. Ent. 35: 687-89. Flanders, S. E. 1942g. Metaphycus helvolus, an encyrtid parasite of the black scale. J. Econ. Ent. 35: 690-8. Flanders, S. E. 1942h. Biological
observations on the citricola scale and its parasites. J. Econ. Ent. 35: 831-33. Flanders, S. E. 1942i. Abortive
development in parasitic Hymenoptera induced by the food plant of the insect
host. J. Econ. Ent. 35: 834-35. Flanders, S. E. 1942j. The sex-ratio in
the Hymenoptera: a function of the
environment. Ecology 23: 120-21. Flanders, S. E. 1943a. Mass production
of the California red scale and its parasite Comperiella bifasciata. J. Econ. Ent. 36: 233-5. Flanders, S. E. 1943b. The
susceptibility of parasitic Hymenoptera to sulfur. J. Econ. Ent. 36: 469. Flanders, S. E. 1943c. The role of
mating in the reproduction of parasitic Hymenoptera. J. Econ. Ent. 36: 802-03. Flanders, S. E. 1943d. The potato tuber
worm, a host suitable for mass production of Macrocentrus ancylivorus. J. Econ. Ent. 36: 807. Flanders, S. E. 1943e. Indirect
hyperparasitization and observations on three species of indirect hyperparasites. J. Econ. Ent. 36: 921-26. Flanders, S. E. 1943f. The Argentine
ant versus the parasites of the black scale.
Calif. Citrograph 28(5): 117,
128, 137. Flanders, S. E. 1943g. The Argentine
ant versus the parasites of the black scale.
Citrus Leaves 23(2): 9, 12,
18, 22. Flanders, S. E. 1943h. Partial
oosorption as a possible cause of diploid males in Microbracon hebetor. The American Naturalist 77: 479-80. Flanders, S. E. 1943i. Red scale
parasites, comparison of Oriental races of Comperiella bifasciata
in California. Calif. Citrog.
28: 78. Flanders, S. E. 1944a. Observations on Prospaltella perniciosi and its mass
production. J. Econ. Ent. 37: 105. Flanders, S. E. 1944b. Biological
control of the potato mealybug. J. Econ.
Ent. 37: 312. Flanders, S. E. 1944c. Control of the
long-tailed mealybug on avocados by hymenopterous parasites. J. Econ. Ent. 37: 308-09. Flanders, S. E. 1944d. Diapause in the
parasitic Hymenoptera. J. Econ. Ent.
37: 408-11. Flanders, S. E. 1944e. The introduction
and establishment of Habrolepis
rouxi in California. J. Econ. Ent. 37: 444-45. Flanders, S. E. 1944f. Acerophagus notativentris, an important
parasite of the grape mealybug. J.
Econ. Ent. 37: 541. Flanders, S. E. 1944g. Olfactory
responses of parasitic Hymenoptera in relation to their mass
propagation. J. Econ. Ent. 37: 711-12. Flanders, S. E. 1944h. Observations on Comperiella bifasciata, an endoparasite of
diaspine coccids. Ann. Ent. Soc.
Amer. 37: 365-71. Flanders, S. E. 1944i. The bisexuality
of uniparental Hymenoptera, a function of the environment. Amer. Nat. 79: 122-41. Flanders, S. E. 1945a. Influence of
moisture on the mass propagation of Macrocentrus
ancylivorus. J. Econ. Ent. 38: 319-23. Flanders, S. E. 1945b. The role of the
spermatophore in the mass propagation of Macrocentrus
ancylivorus. J. Econ. Ent. 38: 323-27. Flanders, S. E. 1945c. A barrier for
confining crawling organisms. J.
Econ. Ent. 38: 394-95. Flanders, S. E. 1945d. Coincident
infestations of Aonidiella citrina and Coccus hesperidum, a result of ant activity. J. Econ. Ent. 38: 711-12. Flanders, S. E. 1945e. Uniparentalism
in the Hymenoptera and its relation to polyploidy. Science 100: 168-9. Flanders, S. E. 1945f. Is caste
differentiation in ants a function of the rate of egg deposition? Science 101: 245-46. Flanders, S. E. 1945g. The bisexuality
of uniparental Hymenoptera, a function of the environment. Amer. Nat. 79: 122-41. Flanders, S. E. 1945h The surplus
male. A problem in biological
control. Calif. Citrog. 30(9): 267-68, 275. Flanders, S. E. 1946a. The role of the
spermatophore in the mass propagation of Macrocentrus
ancylivorus. J. Econ. Ent. 38: 323-7. Flanders, S. E. 1946b. Control of sex
and sex-limited polymorphism in the Hymenoptera. Quart. Rev. Biol. 21:
135-43. Flanders, S. E. 1946c. The mechanism of
sex control of the honey bee. J.
Econ. Ent. 39: 379. Flanders, S. E. 1946d. Haploidy as a factor
in the polymorphic differentiation of the Hymenoptera. Science 103: 555-56. Flanders, S. E. 1947a. Elements of host
discovery exemplified by parasitic Hymenoptera. Ecology 28: 299-309. Flanders, S. E. 1947b. Use of the
potato tuber in the mass production of diaspine scale insects. J. Econ. Ent. 40: 746-47. Flanders, S. E. 1948a. Biological
control of yellow scale. Calif.
Citrog. 34: 56, 76-7. Flanders, S. E. 1948b. A host-parasite
community to demonstrate balance.
Ecology 29: 123. Flanders, S. E. 1949a. George Compere--
pioneer in teh biological control of red scale. Calif. Citrog. 34:
160-62. Flanders, S. E. 1949b. Cold weather
stymied parasites of black scale.
Calif. Citrog. 34: 406-07. Flanders, S. E. 1949c. Culture of
entomophagous insects. Canad. Ent.
81: 257-74. Flanders, S. E. 1949d. George Compere,
pioneer in the biological control of red scale. Calif. Citrograph 34(4):
160-62. Flanders, S. E. 1949e. Using black
scale as a 'foster host.' Calif. Citrograph
34(5): 222-4. Flanders, S. E. 1949f. Cold weather
stymied parasites of black scale.
Calif. Citrograph 34(9):
406-07. Flanders, S. E. 1949g. Recent
introductions of entomophagous insects into California. J. Econ. Ent. 42: 995-96. Flanders, S. E. 1950a. Regulation of
ovulation and egg disposal in the parasitic Hymenoptera. Canad. Ent. 82: 134-40. Flanders, S. E. 1950b. An enemy of
purple scale recently established in California. Calif. Citrog. 36:
64-5. Flanders, S. E. 1950c. Races of
apomictic parasitic Hymenoptera introduced into California. J. Econ. Ent. 43: 719-20. Flanders, S. E. 1950d. Control of sex
in the honeybee. Sci. Mon 71: 237-40. Flanders, S. E. 1950e. Races of
apomictic parasitic Hymenoptera introduced into California. J. Econ. Ent. 43: 719-20. Flanders, S. E. 1950f. Purple scale
enemy goes to work. Citrus Leaves
30(11): 42-3. Flanders, S. E. 1951a. Mass culture of
California red scale and its golden chalcid parasites. Hilgardia 21(1): 1-42. Flanders, S. E. 1951b. The role of the
ant in the biological control of homopterous insects. Canad. Ent. 83: 93-8. Flanders, S. E. 1951c. Citrus
mealybug. Four new parasites studied
in biological control experiments.
Calif. Agric. 5(7): 11. Flanders, S. E. 1951d. The ant as a
citrus pest. Calif. Citrograph
36(7): 267, 281. Flanders, S. E. 1951e. Prospaltella as a secondary
parasite of mealybug. J. Econ. Ent.
44: 810. Flanders, S. E. 1952a. Ovisorption as
the mechanism causing worker development in ants. J. Econ. Ent. 45:
37-39. Flanders, S. E. 1952b. Another parasite
of purple scale established in California.
Calif. Citrog. 37: 234: 256-57. Flanders, S. E. 1952c. Biological
observations on the parasite of the black scale. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 45:
543-49. Flanders, S. E. 1952d. A method for
transferring infestations of purple scale.
J. Econ. Ent. 45: 891. Flanders, S. E. 1952e. A parasite of
elm scale established in California.
J. Econ. Ent. 45: 1078-79. Flanders, S. E. 1952f. Climate and tree
condition as factors in scale control.
Calif. Citrograph 37: 232,
254-6. Flanders, S. E. 1953a. Variations in
susceptibility of citrus-infesting coccids to parasitization. J. Econ. Ent. 46: 266-9. Flanders, S. E. 1953b. Predatism by the
adult hymenopterous parasite and its role in biological control. J. Econ. Ent. 46: 541-44. Flanders, S. E. 1953c. Aphelinid
biologies with implications for taxonomy.
Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 46:
84-94. Flanders, S. E. 1953d. Caste
determination in the social Hymenoptera.
Sci. Mon. 76(3): 142-48. Flanders, S. E. 1953e. Hymenopterous
parasites of three species of Oriental scale insects. Portici R. Scuola Super. di Agr. Lab.
Zool. Gen. e Agr. Bol. 33: 10-28. Flanders, S. E. 1954a. Fecundity of
entomophagous insects under mass culture, an effect of environmental
resistance. Ecology 35: 245-49. Flanders, S. E. 1954b. Report from Hong
Kong. Calif. Citrog. 39: 108, 128-31. Flanders, S. E. 1954c. Casca's elusive husband. Calif. Citrograph 39: 343, 352. Flanders, S. E. 1955a. Principles and
practices of biological control utilizing entomophagous insects. [Extract from series of lectures presented
at the University of Naples, Italy].
Deposited in Univ. of Calif. libraries at Davis and Riverside. Flanders, S. E. 1955b. The organization
of biological control and its historical development. Mededelingen van de Landbouwhogeschool en
de Opzoekingsstations van de Staat te Gent 20(3): 257-70. Flanders, S. E. 1956a. The mechanisms
of sex-ratio regulation in the (parasitic) Hymenoptera. Insectes Sociaux 3: 325-34. Flanders, S. E. 1956b. Struggle for
existence between red and yellow scale.
Citrograph 41: 396, 398, 400,
402-03. Flanders, S. E. 1957a. Regulation of
caste in social Hymenoptera. J. New
York. Ent. Soc. 65: 97-105. Flanders, S. E. 1957b.
Ovigenic-ovisorptive cycle in the economy of the honey bee. Sci. Month. 85: 176-77. Flanders, S. E. 1957c. Fig scale parasites
introduced into California. J. Econ.
Ent. 50: 171-72. Flanders, S. E. 1957d. The complete
interdependence of an ant and a coccid.
Ecology 38: 535-6. Flanders, S. E. 1958a. The role of the
ant in the biological control of scale insects in California. Proc. 10th Internatl. Cong. Ent. (1956)
4: 579-84. Flanders, S. E. 1958b. Moranila californica as a usurped parasite of Saissetia oleae. J. Econ. Ent. 50: 247-48. Flanders, S. E. 1958c. The Ephestia-Idechthis ecosystem for illustrating population
dynamics. Ecology 39: 545-7. Flanders, S. E. 1959a. The employment
of exotic entomophagous insects in pest control. J. Econ. Ent. 52: 71-5. Flanders, S. E. 1959b. Embryonic
starvation, an explanation of the defective honey bee egg. J. Econ. Ent. 52: 166-67. Flanders, S. E. 1959c. Biological
control of Saissetia nigra (Nietn.) in
California. J. Econ. Ent. 52: 596-600. Flanders, S. E. 1959d. Differential
host relations of the sexes in parasitic Hymenoptera. Ent. Exp. & Appl. 2: 123(5?)-42. Flanders, S. E. 1959e. The biological
control of the nigra scale, Saissetia
nigra (Nietn.) in
California. J. Econ. Ent. 52: 596-600. Flanders, S. E. 1959f. Biological
control. J. Econ. Ent. 52: 784-5. Flanders, S. E. 1959g. Pseudococcus citriculus Green and its
parasites. J. Econ. Ent. 52: 880-82. Flanders, S. E. 1959h. Areas of
discovery in the Ephestia-Idechthis ecosystem delimited
by vermiculite. Ecology 40(1): 165. Flanders, S. E. 1960a. Caste in the
honey bee. Insectes Sociaux 7: 7-16. Flanders, S. E. 1960b. The status of
San Jose scale parasitization (including biological notes). J. Econ. Ent. 53: 757-59. Flanders, S. E. 1964a. Some biological
control aspects of taxonomy exemplified by the genus Aphytis (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). Canad. Ent. 96: 888-93. Flanders, S. E. 1964b. Dual ontogeny of
the male Coccophagus gurneyi Comp. (Hymenoptera:
Aphelinidae): a phenotypic phenomenon.
Nature 204(4962): 944-46. Flanders, S. E. 1964c.
"Male-producing factor" in the wasp Dahlbominus.
Science 145: 726-7. Flanders, S. E. 1965a. On the sexuality
and sex ratios of hymenopterous populations.
Amer. Natur. 99: 489-94. Flanders, S. E. 1965b. Competition and
cooperation among parasitic Hymenoptera related to biological control. Canad. Ent. 97: 409-22. Flanders, S. E. 1966a. The
circumstances of species replacement among parasitic Hymenoptera. Canad. Ent. 98: 1009-24. Flanders, S. E. 1966b. Unique
biological control aspects of teh genus Casca
and a description of a new species.
Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 59:
79-82. Flanders, S. E. 1967.
Deviate-ontogenies in the aphelinid male (Hymenoptera) associated with
the ovipositional behavior of the parental female. Entomophaga 12: 415-27. Flanders, S. E. 1969a. Herbert D.
Smith's observation on citrus blackfly parasites in India and Mexico and the
correlated circumstances. Canad. Ent.
101: 467-80. Flanders, S. E. 1969b. Alternative
differential mortality of the sexes concomitant to sex differentiation in
host relations. Entomophaga 14: 335-46. Flanders, S. E. 1971. Single factor
mortality, the essence of biological control, and its validation in the
field. Canad. Ent. 103: 1351-62. Flanders, S. E. 1972. The duality of imaginal
diapause inception in pteromalids parasitic on Hypera postica. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 65: 105-08. Flanders, S. E. 1973. Habitat selection
by Trichogramma. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 30: 208-10. Flanders, S. E. & M. E. Badgley. 1963.
Prey-predator interaction in self balanced laboratory
populations. Hilgardia 35: 145-83. Flanders, S. E. & B. R. Bartlett. 1964.
Observations on two species of Metaphycus
(Encyrtidae, Hymenoptera) parasitic on citricola scale. Mushi 38:
39-42. Flanders, S. E. & H. Compere. 1934e.
Anarhopus sydneyensis Timberlake, an
encyrtid parasite of Pseudococcus
longispinus Targ. recently
introduced into California from Australia.
J. Econ. Ent. 27: 966-73. Flanders, S. E. & I. J. Condit. 1945.
"Gall-flower" of the fig, a misnomer. Science 102: 128-30. Flanders, S. E. & T. W. Fisher. 1959.
The economic effect of aphidophagous insects on citrus in China. J. Econ. Ent. 52: 536-7. Flanders, S. E. & J. L. Gressitt. 1949.
New developments in the transport of beneficial insects. J. Econ. Ent. 42: 150. Flanders, S. E. & J. L. Gressitt. 1958.
The natural control of California red scale in China. Calif. State Dept. Agric. Bull. 47(49?): 23-33. Flanders, S. E. & W. Quednau. 1960.
Taxonomy of the genus Trichogramma
(Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Trichogrammatidae). Entomophaga 5(4):
285-94. Flanders, S. E. & H. S. Smith. 1931.
Is Trichogramma
becoming a fad? J. Econ. Ent.
24: 666-72. Flanders, S. E. & H. S. Smith. 1948.
Search for parasites of red scale reoriented. Calif. Citrograph 34: 4, 17. Flanders, S. E. & H. S. Smith. 1950a.
The search for natural enemies of citrus pests. Calif. Citrograph 35(9): 362, 376. Flanders, S. E. & H. S. Smith. 1950b.
Pest parasites from China.
Citrus Leaves 30(6): 6-7, 18. Flanders, S. E., H. Compere & H. S.
Smith. 1941. Use of air transport from China for
introduction of parasites. Calif.
Citrog. 26(10): 291, 300-01. Flanders, S. E., G. Finney & H. S.
Smith. 1944. A progress report on the use of the potato
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